Important Update

Support for the old OneFile Eportfolio app (yellow icon) ends on 28th February 2025. To avoid losing access or data, please ensure the app has synced, then uninstall it and download the new OneFile Eportfolio app (blue icon) from the Google Play or Apple App Store. 

 Find out more here: OneFile : Important: Action Required - Update to OneFile Eportfolio App

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Uploading Company Logo & Branding

  User Roles

This feature can be used by the following user roles:

  • Centre Managers

Uploading a New Logo

To upload a new logo onto your centre, follow the below steps:

  1. Click Centre on the navigation bar
  2. Click Details
  3. Click Choose File under Upload new logo
  4. Select logo from your computer
  5. Click Open
  6. Tick Display centre logo at the top of every page
  7. Anchor your logo to the left or right of your screen
  8. Click Save

Uploading Custom Header Background

To upload a background to your company logo, please follow the below steps:

  1. Click Choose File under customer header
  2. Select background file
  3. Click Open
  4. Click Save

  Top Tips

If your logo or branding isn't appearing after it's been uploaded press Ctrl + F5 on your keyboard.

Logo Size

We recommend the following dimensions for your company logo: 

Height: 100px 

Width: 720px 

The width can be expanded to meet requirements, but the required height of the logo is better at 100 pixels.

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