Our newest mobile app update is now available, Grab your free download now! (version 1.0.25)
Our newest mobile app update is now available, Grab your free download now!
Apple App Store ➡️ OneFile Eportfolio App on the App Store (apple.com) version 1.0.25
Google Play Store ➡️ OneFile Eportfolio – Apps on Google Play version 1.0.25
- When an assessment is created, the OTJ checkbox is now set based on the Assessment Method.
- The correct completion percentage is now displayed against outcomes in the GAP analysis.
- The GAP analysis is now visible to learners.
- Change the wording of the pass to the Learner button to make it it consistent across device sizes.
- The share button has been added to the burger menu on the evidence details page for all file types.
Improvements have been made to the syncing from the gallery so that the progress percentage is shown correctly during upload. - When attempting to sync an Assessment generated from an Assessment Template without inputting Feedback, a missing content error is thrown.